PraxisCare - ACOR Public Reporting

PraxisCare – ACOR Public Reporting

As of January 1, 2025. PraxisCare no longer participates in ACO REACH


PraxisCare, Inc

2460 SW Perkins Ave, Pendleton, OR 97801

Phone: (888) 816-0416

Accountable Care Organization Overview

PraxisCare is an ACO (ACO REACH) focused on serving Medicare patients through a value-based primary care model with proven success as a network of providers delivering on quality care with lower cost. We are an organization rooted in the Pacific Northwest fulfilling the mission and values of our members. 

Primary Contact information for the ACO

Primary Contact

Mike Olson, COO

ACO Governing Body

Member Name
Member Title
Member Voting Power
Membership Type
Garrett Kennedy
Board Chair & Consumer Advocate
Mike Olson
Secretary, Compliance Officer
Consumer Advocate
Bruce Parker
Medicare Beneficiary
Laura Mavity
Medical Director
Participant Provider
Sam Battaglia
Medical Director
Participant Provider

PraxisCare Key Clinical and Administrative Leaders

Executive Officer: TK Kennedy, Adaugeo Healthcare

Chief Operating Officer: Mike Olson, Adaugeo Healthcare

Medical Director: Jessica Morgan, MD, Praxis Health

Financial Officer: Jordan Beehner, Adaugeo Healthcare

Director of Business Development: Kevin Murphy, Adaugeo Healthcare

Director of Analytics: Jason Siegel, Adaugeo Healthcare

Compliance Officer: Mike Olson, Adaugeo Healthcare

Joint ventures between or among the ACO and any of its DC Participant Providers and Preferred Providers

No joint ventures to report

Participant Providers and Preferred Providers

NA – No longer participates in ACO REACH.

2023 ACO Performance 

Net Savings: -$221,595.15

How Shared Savings are Distributed:

  • NA, none produced in PY2023

Quality Performance:

Measure Official Measure Set – Measure Name PraxisCare Quality Measure Score Percentile Rank
ACR Risk-Standardized, All-Condition Readmission (a lower (↓) score indicates better
13.93 99.9 %tile
UAMCC Risk-Standardized, All-Cause Unplanned Admissions for Patients with Multiple Chronic Conditions (per 100 person-years) (a lower (↓) score indicates better performance) 27.35 95.2 %tile
Timely Follow-Up Timely Follow-Up After Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Conditions (a higher (↑) score indicates better performance) 74.10 69.3 %tile
CAHPS Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Research and Quality (a higher (↑) score indicates better performance) 0.92 Composite Score NA

2022 ACO Performance 

Net Savings: $2,791,840.41

How Shared Savings are Distributed:

  • The proportion of Shared Savings invested in infrastructure, redesigned care processes, and other resources necessary to improve outcomes and reduce Medicare costs for beneficiaries: 25%
  • The proportion of Shared Savings distributed to Global and Professional Direct Contracting (GPDC) Participants and Preferred Providers: 75%

Quality Performance:

Measure Official Measure Set – Measure Name PraxisCare Quality Measure Score Percentile Rank
ACR Risk-Standardized, All-Condition Readmission (a lower (↓) score indicates better
14.23 99.2 %tile
UAMCC Risk-Standardized, All-Cause Unplanned Admissions for Patients with Multiple Chronic Conditions (per 100 person-years) (a lower (↓) score indicates better performance) 26.99 95.1 %tile
Timely Follow-Up Timely Follow-Up After Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Conditions (a higher (↑) score indicates better performance) 70.84 N/A
CAHPS Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Research and Quality (a higher (↑) score indicates better performance) N/A N/A


2021 ACO Performance

Net Savings: -$423,475.76

Quality Performance:

Measure Official Measure Set—Measure Name PraxisCare Quality Measure Score Percentile Rank
ACR Risk-Standardized, All-Condition Readmission (a lower (↓) score indicates better performance) 14.06 98.6 %tile
UAMCC Risk-Standardized, All-Cause Unplanned Admissions for Patients with Multiple Chronic Conditions (per 100 person-years) (a lower (↓) score indicates better performance) 26.61 95.9 %tile